Results for 'Martin Estanislao Gillet'

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  1. Guide moral du chrétien.Martin Stanislas Gillet - 1939 - Paris,: Plon.
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    Le morale et les morales.Martin Stanislas Gillet - 1925 - Paris,: Éditions de la Revue des jeunes.
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  3. Thomas d'Aquin.Martin Stanislas Gillet - 1949 - Paris,: Dunod.
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    Investigating the Effects of Language-Switching Frequency on Attentional and Executive Functioning in Proficient Bilinguals.Cristina-Anca Barbu, Sophie Gillet & Martine Poncelet - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Recent studies have proposed that the executive advantages associated with bilingualism may stem from language-switching frequency rather than from bilingualism per se (see for example, Prior & Gollan, 2011). Barbu, Gillet, Orban and Poncelet (2018) showed that high-frequency language switchers outperformed low-frequency switchers on a mental flexibility task but not on alertness or response inhibition tasks. The aim of the present study was to replicate these results as well as to compare proficient high and low-frequency bilingual language switchers to (...)
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    The ethics of elective (non-therapeutic) ventilation.Alister Browne, Grant Gillet & Martin Tweeddale - 2000 - Bioethics 14 (1):42–57.
    Elective ventilation (EV) is ventilation applied, not in the interest of patients, but in order to secure transplantable organs. It carries with it a small risk that patients who would otherwise have died will survive in a persistent vegetative state. Is EV ever justifiable? We argue: (1) The only thing which can justify exposing patients to risk not taken for their benefit is their consent, and we cannot rely on implied consent or third party consent in the case of EV. (...)
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    Exploration of Attentional and Executive Abilities in French-Speaking Children Immersed in Dutch Since 1, 2, 3, and 6 Years. [REVIEW]Sophie Gillet, Cristina Anca Barbu & Martine Poncelet - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Advantages in diverse aspects of cognitive functioning have been reported in early bilinguals (Bialystok, 2011) as well as in children frequenting an early bilingual immersion school program (Nicolay and Poncelet, 2015). However, during the last decade, some studies failed to replicate these advantages. Currently, the presence of cognitive benefits in children frequenting an immersion program remains debated. The lack of consistency between the studies could come from the fact that time spent by children within the immersion program is variable from (...)
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    Ὁμοίωσις θεῷ in the Theaetetus and in PlotinusSuzanne Stern-Gillet.Suzanne Stern-Gillet - 2019 - Ancient Philosophy 39 (1):89-117.
  8. La participación democrática y su relación con la educación.Estanislao Zuleta - 2002 - Polis 2.
    El autor presenta la democracia como un concepto y espacio complejo, que precisa definición, y que nos exige dar la cara a sus dificultades –fragilidad, pluralidad de pensamientos, exigencia del respeto, amenaza del dogmatismo, entre otros. Luego la vincula a la educación, para preguntarse cómo la educación podría ser democrática; y postula que en la educación es importante adquirir el amor a vencer las dificultades reales.
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    Das reflektierende Subjekt: zur Erkenntnistheorie des Thomas von Aquin.Estanislao Arroyabe - 1988 - Frankfurt am Main: Athenäum.
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    Peirce: eine Einführung in sein Denken.Estanislao Arroyabe - 1982 - Königstein/Ts.: Forum Academicum.
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    Subjekt und Subjekte: Überlegungen zur Erkenntnis- und Kommunikationstheorie.Estanislao Arroyabe - 2000 - Wien: Tyrolia-Verlag.
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    (1 other version)Arte y filosofía.Estanislao Zuleta - 1986 - Medellín, Colombia: Editorial Percepción.
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    Ensayos sobre Marx.Estanislao Zuleta - 1987 - Medellín, Colombia: Editorial Percepción.
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    Lecciones de filosofía: lógica y crítica.Estanislao Zuleta - 1996 - Santiago de Cali: Fundación Estanislao Zuleta.
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    Lógica y crítica.Estanislao Zuleta - 1977 - [Bogotá]: Departamento de Publicaciones, Universidad del Valle.
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  16. Marxismo y psicoanálisis.Estanislao Zuleta - 1985 - In Rubén Sierra Mejía (ed.), La Filosofía en Colombia, siglo XX. Bogotá, Colombia: Procultura.
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    Sobre la idealización en la vida personal y colectiva y otros ensayos.Estanislao Zuleta - 1985 - Bogotá, Colombia: Procultura, Presidencia de la República.
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  18. Aristotle's Philosophy of Friendship.Suzanne Stern-Gillet - 1995 - State University of New York Press.
    Presents the major issues in Aristotle's writings on Friendship.
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    Gramsci and Education.Paula Allman, Estanislao Antelo, Ursula Apitzsch, Stanley Aronowitz, John Baldacchino, Joseph A. Buttigieg, Diana Coben, Gustavo Fischman, Benedetto Fontana, Henry A. Giroux, Jerrold L. Kachur, D. W. Livingstone, Peter McLaren, Peter Mayo, Attilio Monasta, W. J. Morgan, Raymond A. Morrow, Silvia Serra & Carlos Alberto Torres (eds.) - 2002 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Antonio Gramsci is one of the major social and political theorists of the 20th century whose work has had an enormous influence on several fields, including educational theory and practice. Gramsci and Education demonstrates the relevance of Antonio Gramsci's thought for contemporary educational debates. The essays are written by scholars located in different parts of the world, a number of whom are well known internationally for their contributions to Gramscian scholarship and/or educational research. The collection deals with a broad range (...)
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    Dual Selfhood and Self-Perfection in the Enneads.Suzanne Stern-Gillet - 2009 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 13 (2):331-345.
    Plotinus’s theory of dual selfhood has ethical norms built into it, all of which derive from the ontological superiority of the higher (or undescended) soul in us overthe body-soul compound. The moral life, as it is presented in the Enneads, is a life of self-perfection, devoted to the care of the higher self. Such a conception of morality is prone to strike modern readers as either ‘egoistic’ or unduly austere. If there is no doubt that Plotinus’s ethics is exceptionally austere, (...)
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    Radical Atheism: Derrida and the Time of Life.Martin Hägglund - 2008 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    _Radical Atheism_ presents a profound new reading of the influential French philosopher Jacques Derrida. Against the prevalent notion that there was an ethical or religious "turn" in Derrida's thinking, Hägglund argues that a radical atheism informs Derrida's work from beginning to end. Proceeding from Derrida's insight into the constitution of time, Hägglund demonstrates how Derrida rethinks the condition of identity, ethics, religion, and political emancipation in accordance with the logic of radical atheism. Hägglund challenges other major interpreters of Derrida's work (...)
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  22. On interpreting Plato's Ion.Suzanne Stern-Gillet - 2004 - Phronesis 49 (2):169-201.
    Plato's "Ion," despite its frail frame and traditionally modest status in the corpus, has given rise to large exegetical claims. Thus some historians of aesthetics, reading it alongside page 205 of the Symposium, have sought to identify in it the seeds of the post-Kantian notion of 'art' as non-technical making, and to trace to it the Romantic conception of the poet as a creative genius. Others have argued that, in the "Ion," Plato has Socrates assume the existence of a technē (...)
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    Concepts, Consciousness, and Counting by Pigeons.Grant Gillet - 2014 - Mind 123 (492):1147-1153.
    The Generality Constraint is a condition discussed by Gareth Evans that is meant to distinguish candidate subjects into those who have conscious thought of the type needed for a neo-Fregean conception of an objective world and those who are not subjects of that type. I argue that it implicitly applies to free-ranging creatures in a world of objects that they perceive and on which they act. This is quite unlike the behaviour exhibited by pigeons who attempt to maximise rewards in (...)
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    Schelling, une philosophie de l'extase.Marie-Christine Challiol-Gillet - 1998 - Paris: Presses Universitaires de France - PUF.
    Il s'agit de contourner l'interdit kantien jeté sur l'intuition intellectuelle et de réhabiliter la connaissance de l'absolu, mais la transformation de l'intuition intellectuelle en extase n'est autre que la confrontation de la raison à l'extériorité et le refus de l'autofondation idéaliste. L'extase est avant tout celle de l'être divin : Dieu n'est libre que s'il court le risque de se perdre en créant un être véritablement différent de lui, capable de le nier ; elle est aussi celle de la conscience (...)
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  25. Consciousness and Introspection in Plotinus and Augustine.Suzanne Stern-Gillet - 2006 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 22:145-174.
  26. Epistemic relativism, scepticism, pluralism.Martin Kusch - 2017 - Synthese 194 (12):4687-4703.
    There are a number of debates that are relevant to questions concerning objectivity in science. One of the eldest, and still one of the most intensely fought, is the debate over epistemic relativism. —All forms of epistemic relativism commit themselves to the view that it is impossible to show in a neutral, non-question-begging, way that one “epistemic system”, that is, one interconnected set of epistemic standards, is epistemically superior to others. I shall call this view “No-metajustification”. No-metajustification is commonly taken (...)
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    The Life and Writings of Edmond Pezet (1923–2008).Pierre Gillet & Jonathan A. Seitz - 2014 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 34:195-198.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Life and Writings of Edmond Pezet (1923–2008)Pierre Gillet and Jonathan A. SeitzIn the context of Buddhist-Christian dialogue in Thailand, the life and writings of Fr. Edmond Pezet (1923–2008) are remarkable. He lived among the poor and in a Buddhist monastery, and he also experienced the eremitic life in the forest. According to the Indian Zen master Ama Samy, “Pezet gained an intimate experience and knowledge of Buddhism (...)
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    Ancient and Medieval Concepts of Friendship.Suzanne Stern-Gillet & Gary M. Gurtler (eds.) - 2014 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    _Charts the stages of the history of friendship as a philosophical concept in the Western world._.
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  29. Le Principe Du Beau Chez Plotin: Réflexions sur Enneas VI.7.32 et 33.Suzanne Stern-Gillet - 2000 - Phronesis 45 (1):38-63.
    The status of beauty in Plotinus' metaphysics is unclear: is it a Form in Intellect, the Intelligible Principle itself, or the One? Basing themselves on a number of well-known passages in the "Enneads," and assuming that Plotinus' Forms are similar in function and status to Plato's, many scholars hold that Plotinus theorized beauty as a determinate entity in Intellect. Such assumptions, it is here argued, lead to difficulties over self-predication, the interpretation of Plotinus's rich and varied aesthetic terminology and, most (...)
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  30. Psychologism: A Case Study in the Sociology of Philosophical Knowledge.Martin Kusch - 1997 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 48 (3):439-443.
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    (1 other version)Plotinus on metaphysics and morality.Suzanne Stern-Gillet - 2014 - In .
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  32. How it is: Entities, absences and voids.C. B. Martin - 1996 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 74 (1):57 – 65.
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    Grigoris Antoniou, Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Cambridge, The MIT Press, 1997, 285 pp. [REVIEW]Estanislao Barry - 1998 - Análisis Filosófico 18 (2):181-185.
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  34. Tacit knowledge and subdoxastic states.Martin Davies - 1989 - In Noam Chomsky & Alexander George (eds.), Reflections on Chomsky. Blackwell.
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    The Rhetoric of Suicide.Suzanne Stern-Gillet - 1987 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 20 (3):160 - 170.
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  36. The Phenomenology of Religious Life.Martin Heidegger, Matthias Fritsch & Jennifer Anna Gosetti-Ferencei - 2004 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 59 (1):73-76.
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  37. Multiple universes of sets and indeterminate truth values.Donald A. Martin - 2001 - Topoi 20 (1):5-16.
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    L'homme et sa structure: essai sur les valeurs morales.Marcel Gillet - 1978 - Paris: Téqui.
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  39. Ancient philosophy.Suzanne Stern-Gillet - 2003 - In John Shand (ed.), Fundamentals of Philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 122.
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    La logique de la connaissance Le problème de l'omniscience logique.Eric Gillet & Paul Gochet - 1993 - Dialectica 47 (2‐3):143-171.
    RésuméLes auteurs présentent le problème de l'omniscience logique qui entrave la formalisation de la connaissance et de la croyance dans la thhrie des mondes possibles. Ils étudient ensuite les solutions qui s'inspirent de la distinction entre croyance implicite et explicite proposée par Levesque, et celles qui se fondent sur la logique de la conscience de Fagin et Halpern. Pour remédier aux insuffisances de ces solutions, ils proposent de concevoir la croyance explicite à partir d'une fonction d'analyse logique qui filtre les (...)
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  41. .Suzanne Stern-Gillet - 2014
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  42. Introduction.Martin Davies & Ronald Barnett - 2015 - In W. Martin Davies & Ronald Barnett (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Critical Thinking in Higher Education. New York, NY, USA: Palgrave. pp. 1-25.
    What is critical thinking, especially in the context of higher education? How have research and scholarship on the matter developed over recent past decades? What is the current state of the art here? How might the potential of critical thinking be enhanced? What kinds of teaching are necessary in order to realize that potential? And just why is this topic important now? These are the key questions motivating this volume. We hesitate to use terms such as “comprehensive” or “complete” or (...)
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  43. When virtue bids us abandon life.Suzanne Stern-Gillet - 2014 - In .
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    Hesiod's Proem And Plato's Ion.Suzanne Stern-Gillet - 2014 - Classical Quarterly 64 (1):25-42.
    Plato's Hesiod is a neglected topic, scholars having long regarded Plato's Homer as a more promising field of inquiry. My aim in this chapter is to demonstrate that this particular bias of scholarly attention, although understandable, is unjustified. Of no other dialogue is this truer than of the Ion.
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    Plotin, Traité 19 (I, 2) Sur les Vertus. Introduction, traduction, commentaires et notes par Dominic J. O’Meara.Suzanne Stern-Gillet - 2020 - Philosophie Antique 20:290-292.
    O’Meara’s translation and commentary of Ennead 19 (Sur les Vertus) is a short and elegant book: the style is sparse, the meaning limpid, and the thesis skilfully developed. The translation meticulously follows the movement of Plotinus’ argumentation. Ample cross references are made to other tractates, and helpful mentions abound of secondary literature in languages other than French. The historical sections are short: Middle Platonist antecedents of Plotinus’ theory of virtue are occasionally...
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    La critique de la preuve ontologique selon Schelling et Kierkegaard.M. -C. Challiol-Gillet - 2000 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 2:237-245.
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  47. Bulletin de Philosophie: IV. - Morale.M. S. Gillet - 1911 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 5:552-578.
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  48. Bulletins de Philosophie: VI. - Morale.M. Gillet - 1908 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 2:540-561.
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  49. Bulletins de Philosophie: III. - Morale.M. Gillet - 1907 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 1:509-539.
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  50. (1 other version)Bulletin de Philosophie: VI. - Morale.M. Gillet - 1910 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 4:512-539.
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